For legal reasons, there are restrictions regarding which CBDfx products can be shipped to certain states.
While some products and ingredients may be legal in your state, the following states have restricted products that can be shipped from California.
These include:
- Arkansas - Delta-9 THC inhalables are restricted
- California - CBD inhalables are restricted and all Full Spectrum or D9 products are restricted.
- Hawaii - CBD and Delta-9 THC inhalables are restricted
- Idaho – All CBD products are restricted
- Oregon - Products containing D9 and CBN are restricted
- Washington - Delta-9 THC ingestibles & inhalables are restricted
State and local laws concerning CBD can frequently change. We recommend that you check your state’s website for the most up-to-date regulations surrounding CBD.
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Please visit our UK website by clicking on the link below. All available regions will be available at the checkout stage of the order process.
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